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FNNBOA Guide to Establish a Housing Authority

Dec. 2020 -  Many First Nations are considering a housing authority. Many view a housing authority as an important component of a self government framework. Ideally, a housing authority will be created through an arm’s length organization.

FNNBOA with funding from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is pleased to announce their guide entitled, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Housing Authorities and to Establish One in First Nations Communities

The guide gives an overview on how to establish either a federal or provincial not for profit organization and how this becomes the housing authority. The guide gives sample band council resolutions to allow for a housing authority to be established and policies and procedures that need to be developed to ensure an arm’s length relationship between Council and the Housing Authority. Most importantly, the guide gives samples on the housing authority’s objectives.

Finally, the guide shows how the housing authority is accountable back to the Council through independent audits and performance measures.

Don’t forget to also review our other documents:

Housing and Rental Operational Policy Framework fnnboa 

Home Maintenance Guide 

and Healthy Home Checklist 

All these and more documents can be found on the FNNBOA website 

For further information please email us: